Friday 5 August 2011

My Horoscope for Aug 5th 2011

Today was just a strange day. Kinda hard to explain. I'm feeling kinda confident and at peace with myself today, not sure where this came from. OMG no word of a lie ladies and gents i just decided to go look up my horoscope online and this is what it says:

Your energy level and your self-confidence are high now. You are full of enterprise and may chaff at the bit if you can not do enough, if your present position doesn't give you enough scope, or if your superiors do not allow you to take initiative and advance as you want to.         


So based on this nifty little chart they have on this site it says my intuition is quite high hmn...I have been feeling rather intuitive lately. It has to have some measure of truth to it because work is only 28% lol and love is really low as well. Truthfully I lack employment right now and my love life? Well...I guess the numbers speak for themselves right?Money isnt where I'd like it to be but its higher than 50% and it is a steady number. My wellness is super high which is great. Now I'm thinkng to myself where do they get theses percentages from? Based on what conclusions? What study? hmn. interesting. I'm going to humour myself and post another from another site to see if there are any similarities.

Another site says this:
It's not often when those of your sign aren't feeling confident. That alone might mean you'd be tough to get along with, but you're also far too genuine and approachable to hang that or any other natural gift over anyone's head. When someone does need to take charge, you won't be shy about stepping up. If it's to defend someone or something who can't do it for themselves, you can be positively formidable. Good luck to anyone who gives you a reason to take charge now

So Basically to summarize the whole thing...the next few days should be filled with confidence. Overall through reading these predictions I agree with them. I am very much a take charge type of person. I truely hate to see things fall apart. I'll Jump in ready to assist in any way I can in any situation. If you are into this type of thing you could check out the sites I go to. Keep in mind that majority of the time these things are fictional so don't go psycho thinking that by next week ur gonna die or lose your job just because some cat-lady sitting on the toilet seat came up with ur faulty predictions. Live your life to the fullest and enjoy it. Don't let silly predictions or furtune cookie crap determine your fate. Your destiny is in your own hands. If your horoscope says today you will have a bad day it's ultimately up to you how you perceive yiur day and the outcome. So all my fellow Taureans go ahead grab life by the horns!



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